Nursing School Entrance Exams Prep 2019-2020: Your All-In-One Guide to the Kaplan and Hesi Exams, Paperback/Kaplan Nursing
Completely revised and reorganized, Kaplan's Nursing School Entrance Exams Prep 2019-2020 is focused review of the HESI A2 and the Kaplan Nursing Admission Test--two major nursing school entrance assessments. Exam-specific practice, concise content review, and proven test-taking strategies will prepare you to face the first test of your nursing career with confidence. We're so confident that Nursing School Entrance Exams offers the guidance you need that we guarantee it: After studying with our book, you'll score higher--or you'll get your money back. The Best Review Four sample practice tests: two for HESI A2, two for Kaplan Review content organized along the test blueprints and identified by exam New topic-specific science chapters: anatomy & physiology, biology, organ systems, and chemistry New writing and grammar sections Diagnostic test to identify the topics where you need the most review Quick-reference resources highlight frequently used math formulas and commonly misspelled words to remember Expert Guidance Kaplan's expert nursing faculty reviews and updates content regularly Practical advice for the career-change nursing student We invented test prep--Kaplan (www. kaptest. com) has been helping students for 80 years, and our proven strategies have helped legions of students achieve their dreams About the Author: Since 1982, Kaplan Nursing has been providing the nation's leading NCLEX-RN Exam Review. With realistic practice, clinical judgment methodology and personalized content review--all led by experienced nurse educators--Kaplan Nursing prepares thousands of students to pass the NCLEX-RN each year. Our focus is on industry-leading service, great value, and ease of use. We build nursing students' confidence so they walk into the NCLEX like a nurse. For more information, visit us at kaplannursing. com.