From Disaster to Deliverance, Paperback/D. Kristine Moseley
Description Every stage of life presents us with different challenges, some that we honestly believe we'll never make it through and much less recover from. From Disaster to Deliverance is a book that many can see the powerful hand of God giving strength and courage even in what seemingly feels like the biggest disasters of our lives. The author provides you with her life experiences, thought-provoking questions, and scripture context to help you go through your own personal journey. From Disasters to Deliverance is a transparent truth that deals with being healed from divorce, depression, disappointment as well as transference of spirits. From Disaster to Deliverance is a bold story that will shape and transform anyone that may be feeling like they are too dirty or too sinful to be forgiven. This book allows us to understand that God's grace and mercy can see us dirty but will restore us back to His intended path for our lives. This book was created to give others hope that even in your worst stages of life, God is with you, and He is waiting to create in you a new spirit so that you cannot only be made whole but also live in your truth without any bondage or shame.