Love Can Be: A Literary Collection about Our Animals, Paperback/Louisa McCune
"Love can be, and sure enough is, moving in all things, in all places, in all forms of life at the same snap of your finger."--Woody Guthrie Oklahoma native Woody Guthrie said it first and best. This new anthology of poems and prose, Love Can Be: A Literary Collection About Our Animals, is proof of what love can be, as thirty acclaimed authors join together to champion life in all its forms. This is their gift to the world, not just the artistry of their words, but their vision of an extended community that includes cats, birds, frogs, butterflies, bears, dogs, raccoons, horses--a full-out menagerie of being that enriches us all. This broad-hearted vision comes with responsibility, and that responsibility speaks to the mission of the Kirkpatrick Foundation, publisher of the book. The Kirkpatrick Foundation will donate all net proceeds of sales of this volume to animal charities in Oklahoma as well as honoraria donated to the contributors' selected animal charities. Authors featured in the collection are Julia Alvarez, Blake Bailey, Rick Bass, P. C. Cast, Wayne Coyne, Kim Doner, Delia Ephron, Reyna Grande, Joy Harjo, Amy Hempel, Juan Felipe Herrera, S. E. Hinton, Brandon Hobson, Dean Koontz, Ursula K. Le Guin, Jill Mc Corkle, Teresa Miller, N. Scott Momaday, Joyce Carol Oates, Susan Orlean, Ron Padgett, Elise Paschen, Diane Rehm, Jewell Parker Rhodes, Wade Rouse, Alexander Mc Call Smith, Lalita Tademy, Clifton Taulbert, Michael Wallis, and Mary Logan Wolf. Special contributions include: "The Cat," one of the final original poems by the legendary Ursula K. Le Guin. A memorial tribute to Sudan, the last male white rhino, by former U. S. poet laureate Juan Felipe Herrera. An essay by noted novelist Alexander Mc Call Smith, who celebrates the whimsical link between baboons and opera. An essay on love, grief, and resilience by Peabody Award-winning journalist Diane Rehm. A classic, "Jubilate," by Joyce Carol Oates.