Math Mammoth Grade 7-A Worktext, Paperback/Maria Miller
Contributor(s):Author: Maria Miller Math Mammoth Grade 7-A is the student worktext for the first half of grade 7 mathematics studies, as part of Math Mammoth Grade 7 curriculum. Please note that this particular book is the version with grayscale (or black-and-white) interior pages. The curriculum meets and exceeds the Common Core Standards (CCS) for grade 7. It exceeds it because we study linear equations in more depth than required in grade 7 CCS. We start out with an introduction to basic algebra, which is in many ways a review of the same topics from 6th grade. The first chapter reviews the order of operations, the concepts of an expression and equation, and the distributive property. Students learn about the commutative and associative properties of addition and multiplication, and they simplify expressions that don't involve negative numbers. In chapter 2, we study integers and their operations in detail. Again, some of this is review from 6th grade, and some of it is new. The four operations of integers are explained with the help of two visual models: the number-line and counters, hopefully providing an intuitive understanding of the processes. Students need to be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers when they learn to solve equations in chapter 3. In the end of the chapter students also learn about negative fractions. The lesson about distance contains a formula that may look unfamiliar to the teacher. You can find the distance between two integers by taking the absolute value of their difference. In symbols, the distance between a and b is - a - b - . The idea behind the formula is simple, though, and most people use that idea instinctively without knowing about the formula. For example, how far apart from each other are 14 and 92? To solve that mentally, we find their difference, but we take that difference in a positive sense. In other words, we do not calculate 14 - 92 = -78 and state that the distance is negative 78 units, but instead, we