Delicta Graviora Manual: Volume 2: A Book of Formularies Concerning the Normae de Gravioribus Delictis Congregationi Pro Doctrina Fidei Reserva, Paperback/Peter O. Akpoghiran J. C. D.
Description This book examines the 2010 revised laws of the SST Normae de gravioribus delictis. It explains the rationale and meaning of each of the revised articles of the SST Normae in light of the Code of Canon Law, the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, and the penal jurisprudence of the Church. It also gives special attention to members of religious institutes, secular institutes, and societies of apostolic life with particular reference to delicta graviora. You will also find in this book the explanation of the laws governing the penal procedures of the Church with particular reference to the delicts reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Volume 2 of this book contains multiple sample documents for use in delicta graviora cases.