From Fantasy Trust to Real Trust: Learning from Our Disappointments and Betrayals, Paperback/Krishnananda Trobe
This book deals with the roots of our mistrust and the ways that we can learn to recover our lost sense of trust. What we normally consider trust is actually a false trust, a childish, fantasy trust. This kind of false trust is dependent on how others and life treats us. Life teaches us through the painful experiences of disappointment and betrayal how to learn a new kind of trust, a real sense of trust which comes from inside and no longer dependent on outside events and experiences. Trust arises first from retrieving self-trust and then trust towards others follows naturally from that re-discovery. In the book, the authors teach by sharing liberally from their own personal experiences and also with examples from their work as international seminar leaders. About the Author: Krishnananda (Thomas Trobe, M. D.) and Amana (Gitte Demant Trobe) have been leading seminars together since 1995. They are the founders and directors of The Learning Love Institute whose work in seminars and individual/couple sessions deals with helping people to learn how to love themselves and others. Their work is particularly concerned with teaching the tools of deep, committed relationship. Krishnananda is a psychiatrist, educated at Harvard University and the University of California. Amana is a therapist, trained in Cranio-Sacral Balancing, Counseling, Inner Child Work and non-violent communication. Together, they have written four books. Face to Face with Fear and Stepping out of Fear describes Krishnananda's personal process and teaches the basics of the work. From Fantasy Trust to Real Trust deals with recovering our lost trust. Finally, When Sex Becomes Intimate - How Sex Changes as Intimacy Deepens, teaches how long term couples can adjust to changing sexuality with intimacy. The books are available in twelve languages. For more information about their work and workshop schedule: www. learningloveinstitute. com