How to Make a Fortune During Future Stock Market Crashes with Strategic Stock Accumulation: Learning a New Investment Strategy to Buy Stocks and Bonds, Paperback/MR Stephen R. Perry
In "HOW TO MAKE A FORTUNE DURING FUTURE STOCK MARKET CRASHES WITH STRATEGIC STOCK ACCUMULATION" lifelong successful stock and bond investor Stephen Perry describes a step-by-step strategic system that almost all investors can use to succeed when buying and selling stocks and bonds. Many books have been written and published about "how to get rich in the stock market," so how does this one stand out? Possibly you're a beginning investor, or maybe you've tried other stock trading "systems" and failed to achieve your goals, resulting in more discouragement and disappointment. Regardless, you're looking for answers without wasting a lot of time. You need a strategy. Everything is laid out well with all the steps in the chapter on Strategic Stock Accumulation: The System Step By Step. Additionally, complete results from back-testing the system over six different historic time periods documenting the validity of the Strategic Stock Accumulation Strategy are available. Using the book's system while learning a clear historical perspective will allow you to successfully implement Mr. Perry's well-documented strategy. You will also learn how Strategic Stock Accumulation compares with several other well-known investment strategies. The results of these comparisons are eye-opening. You will finally feel empowered to use a system for stock market investing that gives you confidence not to abandon your efforts in face of inevitable stock market crashes and corrections. In fact, you will learn how to profit from those crashes and corrections. You will also discover how to avoid these common mistakes other investors make: They don't follow any system completely or correctly. They lose confidence in themselves and the stock market, refusing to accept the market on its own terms. They become distracted by the "noise" of the stock market and are easily affected by what other investors and the financial community are saying. If you follow the step-by-step instructions, you will learn ev