The Peacock's Tales - The Alchemical Writings of Claudia Pavonis/Marty Leeds
The Peacock's Tales - The Alchemical Writings of Claudia Pavonis is an exploration of the mystical and mathematical properties of the English language. Covering such themes as the Magic Square of the Sun, Metatron's Cube and the Holy 108, the numerological breakdown of the name of Jesus Christ, as well as the mystical and mathematical feat of Cracking Pi, The Peacock's Tales is a fascinating read for a reader of any level. About the Author: Marty Leeds has been a featured guest on Red Ice Creations, American Freedom Radio, Alchemy Radio and was a featured speaker at the Free Your Mind Conference in Philadelphia in 2013. He was raised in Southern Wisconsin and has lived in Oregon, Washington, and Colorado. He is an avid back-packer, bicyclist, and songwriter, and released his first full-length solo record, Opus Medico Musica, in 2013. Marty has maintained an interest in everything from philosophy, to mythology, to the sciences his entire life. Marty's books include Pi & The English Alphabet Volumes 1 and 2.