Agnihotra: Havan on Earth: A Simple and Comprehensive Guide to the Practice of Agnihotra, a Vedic Fire Ceremony for Personal and/Ellie Hadsall
Description This book is dedicated to you who have struggled to find a practical way to heal planet Earth Agnihotra offers proven healing for Earth's current crises of stress, dissension, toxicity, and pollution. Agnihotra is one of many fire ceremonies from the ancient Vedic tradition known as Yajnya, and many of its benefits are being verified by modern science. This simple fire ceremony, conducted in a small copper pyramid and infused with vibrational frequencies of brief, specific Sanskrit chants, creates an energy field that promotes harmony and peace. Within that space, negativity cannot exist, allowing life forms to return to a natural state of wholeness. Evidence indicates that with regular and sustained practice, distress is dissolved, toxins are neutralized, dis-ease is diffused, and a sense of well-being is established. "Agnihotra: Havan on Earth" includes a full explanation of the ceremony and its benefits, step-by-step instructions for performing agnihotra, supplies needed, resources for supplies and websites with additional information, over forty photos, answers to over sixty frequently asked questions, how to make ghee, how to use agnihotra ash for healing, how to meditate, how to teach agnihotra to others, and sections to make notes. The book finishes with blank pages for an "observation journal." Ellie shares personal stories of how agnihotra has transformed her life and the world around her, encouraging the new practitioner to experience the benefits in their own life. About the author Ellie Hadsall is a Vedic fire practitioner, Kriya yoga minister, and author. Introduced to transformational Vedic fire ceremony in 1996, first she privately practiced to prove their potency to herself, and then began teaching it to others. Focused on introducing this ancient practice into western culture, she has taught hundreds of students from the United States and across the globe; many are now fire practitioners in their own communities. She considers herself a wor