African Proverbs and Wisdom, Paperback/Julia Stewart
Over many centuries, African people have offered the world an abundance or proverbs, fables, riddles, songs, and poetry that have been passed down orally from generation to generation. Now African Proverbs carries you on a journey of cultural discovery across the regions of that vast continent, offering meaningful and often poetic sayings as a source of learning and inspiration. You'll feel the torment of love as expressed in Swahili poems, learn the wisdom of great leaders and political thinkers, and see nature's influence on man reflected in brief but powerful stories. With an entry for each day, this valuable collection provides a reflective commemoration of Africa's rich heritage--one that you can share with others, and draw from all year round. About the Author: Julia Stewart has a master's degree in African Studies from Ohio University. She has lived in Africa for many years - Kenya, Eritrea, Rwanda, Angola, and is now living in South Africa in the Hanover home of renowned Victorian-era novelist Olive Schreiner. She is the author of Quotable Africa and Quotable African Women.