Unlocking the Mystery of Borderline Personality Disorder: A Survival Guide to Living and Coping with Bpd for You and Your Loved Ones, Paperback/Thomas Cox
Description Description Have years of treatment for your mental health left you feeling confused and at a loss? Have you been diagnosed as anxious, depressed, or as having bipolar disorder and yet have found your treatment lacking? Do you have a loved one who struggles with managing their emotions, despite periods of lucidity (or, normal functioning)? Are you in a relationship with someone who makes you feel completely loved and then completely unwanted, seemingly without reason? It is in this liminal space where relationships are built where personality disorders manifest. When you have been prescribed antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication without relief, when you have tried changing and improving your circumstances, and when, after all this, there is still a feeling of being lost, restless, and an intense fear of being abandoned, then learning more about Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) may open the door to your truth. Personalities are the parts of ourselves we develop throughout a lifetime in order to interface with the world. However, what happens when traumatic events in early childhood shatter this fragile sense of self?BPD is a maladaptive pattern of behaviors created in childhood to negotiate a world that has deeply betrayed the security of the child. However, these patterns of behavior are destructive, to the self and others, in adulthood. BPD is a personality disorder that attempts to make sure that others will not abandon the sufferer-at any cost. For those close to someone with BPD, this means a life of chaos. As with all personality disorders, the effects of BPD are on a spectrum, and while some behaviors hold true for certain individuals, others may express certain behaviors to a lesser or more intense degree. What are important to spot are the hallmarks of BPD. Have you or your loved one ever felt: Feelings of intense insecurity? Low self-worth? The inability to trust yourself to make clear decisions? The inability to know what is best for yo