Neville Goddard: The Pruning Shears of Revision (Create New Possibilities That Change Your Future), Paperback/Neville Goddard
Neville Goddard (Born February, 15, 1905 in Barbados) was a metaphysical teacher who taught the law of attraction through lectures given on television, radio, books, and live in front of an audience. For years he was one of the most influential teachers on manifestation or on how our imagination creates reality in an almost literal way. Snippet: At the end of my day, I review the day; I don't judge it, I simply review it. I look over the entire day, all the episodes, all the events, all the conversations, all the meetings, and then as I see it clearly in my mind's eye, I rewrite it. I rewrite it and make it conform to the ideal day I wish I had experienced. I take scene after scene and rewrite it, revise it, and having revised my day, then in my imagination I relive that day, the revised day, and I do it over and over in my imagination until this seeming imagined state begins to take on to me the tones of reality. It seems that it's real, that I actually did experience it and I have found from experience that these revised days, if really lived, will change my tomorrows.