Adult Coloring Book: Whimsical Cats: A Stress Relieving Coloring Book for Adults/Rachel Jones
Whimsical Cats is filled with a variety of felines, some in ordinary settings, others in fanticiful places, all have their own story to discover. Keeping a simple approach, Rachel has created beautiful images of furry friends that invite the colorist to let their imagination lead them. Book is 8. 5" x 11" with 30 one-sided images to color. About the Author: Rachel Jones lives in eastern Montana with her adoring husband. Together they have 6 children, ranging in age from 2 years to 20 years, the oldest just beginning his military career in the Marine Corps. Aside from being a busy mother, Rachel is the founder and author of Nourishing Minimalism, a blog focusing on helping others declutter their life and create free time to enjoy their passions. One of Rachel's passions is expressing herself in art that is filled with imagination and whimsy. A minimalist at heart, the pictures in her coloring books leave space for the colorists to uniquely express themselves with color and shading, bringing the art to life. Coloring books offer a beautiful connection: a story shared between the artist and the colorist: Rachel has drawn them and is now asking you to finish the story with your coloring.