Cyber Self-Defense: Expert Advice to Avoid Online Predators, Identity Theft, and Cyberbullying, Paperback/Alexis Moore
Description According to the U. S .Department of Justice, more than six million people are stalked each year in the United States alone. Don't become one of them International cybercrime expert Alexis Moore can help protect you from the spurned lovers, angry neighbors, and jealous coworkers who use the Internet as the perfect way to exact revenge and wreak havoc on your life. In her essential book, she introduces the ten most common personality profiles of cyberstalkers--such as Attention-Getting, Jealous, Manipulative, Controlling, and Narcissistic--and their threatening online behaviors. Each chapter includes a quiz to help you identify the signs of that personality type in order to determine if you are in a potentially vulnerable relationship. Case studies illustrate how that particular cybercriminal operates, and Moore offers tips to prevent and/or recover from each type of cybercrime. She also provides strategies to help victims protect themselves, reestablish their reputations and credentials, recover from financial losses, and rebuild their lives. The techniques range from recovering data, monitoring online profiles and social media information, and regaining self-esteem to changing identities and even going underground. About the Author Well known for her expertise on cybercrime, Alexis Moore is a prevalent figure and frequent speaker on the subjects of cyberstalking, cyberbullying, and identity theft on radio and television programs such as CNN, Fox, Headline News, and Good Morning America. Her work has been the focus of over 1, 000 magazine and news articles in New York Times, Ladies' Home Journal, Glamour, Women's Day, USA Today, Washington Post, Boston Globe, and many more journals. The founder and president of Survivors In Action, designer of the Moore Secure line of security software, and collaborator with state and federal legislators worldwide for Internet legislation, Moore is considered a lead pundit on cybercrime. Laurie J. Edwards has been a freelance