True Real Life Stories of Reincarnation: Amazing Past Life Memories - Book One & Book Two, Paperback/Richard Bullivant
Description Have you lived before? Suddenly the idea of reincarnation has produced a wave of resonance in modern society and struck a chord. This book documents the growing public acceptance of the possibility that all of us will live again after we finish our present 'go-around' on the planet Earth. The ancient concept of reincarnation and past lives has not only re-emerged into our modern consciousness, but seems to have become a more natural and accepted part of our world view. Some studies show that twenty-five percent of people in modern western countries now agree that reincarnation is not only possible, but a reality. The implications of this are enormous. Imagine a population that has been released from the fear of death. Suddenly, we have all the time in the world - eternity, in fact Life now takes on a new dimension of meaning. We realize that this is not all there is and we also understand that we are more than our physical bodies and because we are more than our physical bodies, we can access that which is beyond the physical. Our potential is virtually unlimited. Freedom from the fear of death is a kind of universal freedom that can flow across all aspects of life and living. Knowing that we are not mere physical lumps of biological matter, but indestructible souls constructed of pure consciousness is a magnificent vision for humanity. Knowing that we are 'souls' means that we can live out our lives from that basic understanding. It is the ultimate empowerment. No doubt many will remain sceptical about the possibility of reincarnation. But it seems this is a concept and a phenomenon that is not going away. Those amazing headlines in the media just keep coming. Every day more people - average, ordinary everyday people - are discovering that they have an undeniable connection to something larger, something infinite and something absolutely amazing. Table of Contents Bentreshyt - A Priestess of Isis The Reawakening of Marty Martyn Past Lives on Other Planet