500+ Persian Phrases (Daily Conversations for Better Communication): (farsi-English Bi-Lingual Edition)(2nd Edition), Paperback/Nazanin Mirsadeghi
This book contains common Persian phrases that you can use during everyday conversation. The phrases in this book have been divided into more than 25 categories, such as: introductions, greetings, compliments, the weather, disappointments, preferences, likes, dislikes, goals & plans, apologies, invitations, consolations, measurements and descriptions. Each section consists of several dialogues and each phrase has been presented in two different formats: the written form and the spoken form. Since there are different dialects in different regions of Iran, it is important to note that the spoken phrases provided in this book are based on the dialect spoken in Tehran, the capital of Iran. To facilitate the learning process four different symbols have been assigned to indicate whether the phrase is written, spoken, formal or an idiom. All phrases are accompanied by their English translations; however, the English translations of the Persian phrases are not precise. The translations provided in this book for each Persian phrase are the closest to their equivalent phrase used in the English language. The phonetic transcription (transliteration) for each Persian phrase has been provided to help readers with pronunciation. The book also provides essential information regarding the Persian alphabet and numbers, and the pronunciation of the Persian letters. For more information regarding Bahar Books visit: www. baharbooks. com