Keep on Moving!: An Old Fellow's Journey into the World of Rollators, Mobile Scooters, Recumbent Trikes, Adult Trikes and Electric Bike, Paperback/Allen Ballard
This book chronicles one senior citizen's struggle to maintain his independence when he is forced, at age 85, to stop driving. In an effort to maintain his mobility and avoid the ever-threatening wheelchair, he plunges into a search for something -- be it a rollator, recumbent bike or adult trike -- to substitute for the loss of his beloved car, his personal chariot. He knows that bikes of all sorts are used for transportation and commuting in Europe. Why not here? In the process he creates a beginner's guide to alternatives to driving for the millions of folks worldwide faced with the problem of slowly declining health. What choices are before them if they wish to keep moving, stay active and remain in close communion with nature and the great outdoors?