The Main of Light: Common Ground and Dividing Lines in the Teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti and Buddhism, Paperback/Donal Creedon
Description This study examines the teachings of J Krishnamurti in the light of Buddhist teachings, specifically the teachings of the Mahamudra and Dzogchen lineages. The teachings of the Buddha and Krishnamurti both explore the most profound and fundamental questions of human existence. They directly address the questions of sorrow, fear and death, as well as the deepest meaning a human life can attain beyond the travail and illusion of dualism. They point to the sources of sorrow and the ending of sorrow, to the possibility of living a life informed by intelligence and compassion. As the author says: "It is my hope that this study will serve as a modest contribution to what I feel is an immensely important area of human exploration. I hope it will stimulate questions not only in Buddhist and Krishnamurti students, but anyone interested in the deep problems that affect our world so grievously. "About the author D nal Creedon was born and educated in Dublin. As a teenager he was deeply influenced by Krishnamurti. He has been a student of Buddha's teachings since 1980 and completed a series of long retreats in the vajrayana tradition from 1984 to 1997. He teaches widely and has led retreats in the UK, Europe, Russia, South Africa, Zimbabwe and India; as well as teaching in the intensive 3 year retreats of the vajrayana tradition. He was resident Buddhist scholar at the Krishnamurti Foundation India in Varanasi between 2003 and 2004 and this present work is the result of time spent there.