Spun Into Gold: The Secret Life of a Female Magician, Paperback/Romany Romany
Description This book is for anyone who has ever had a dream. For anyone who wants to remember how magic works. Romany - Diva of Magic, is a successful female magician. She performs her award-winning one-woman comedy magic show all over the world in beautiful theatres. But as a chubby little girl, her dream of making it in showbiz didn't look likely. This is a rollercoaster story of determination and persistence-about deciding that you're going to walk stubbornly towards your heart's desireand not stop until you're there, trusting that the next step will appear-as if by magic. Bold, brave and beautiful. This book might just change your life. Romany is handing you her sunlight. Take it. Review: "I was riveted by this book What would you sacrifice to live, really live the deepest dreams of your heart? To follow what makes you happiest of all? Your successful business career? Your home? Your marriage? What if most of all you fought repeated dark thoughts of shame through the nightmare of addiction? That is what Romany did... Best of all she's here to share her magical secrets of how to fight back against the darkness with the great repeated extremely real strengths of hope, faith, gratitude, light and love. With disciplined real-world practices flowing from her heart she literally manifested her dream to bring happiness through magical entertainment, manifested beautiful friends, her new home and her loving husband. Now she is a bonified, certified, award-winning magical star trotting the globe to perform for hundreds, even thousands of people aboard luxury cruise liners. She even dazzled Prince Charles. This book is a gift for anyone fighting the darkness - a gift of deep love and light. This story made me believe in magic again."About the Author Romany- Diva of Magic, artist, dog-lover and baker of bread that is dangerously delicious performs her one-woman comedy magic show around the world. Whether headlining on luxury cruise ships, working in exquisite theatres, or per