Telling Fortunes by Tea Leaves: How to Read Your Fate in a Teacup, Paperback/Cicely Kent
Telling Fortunes by Tea Leaves, How to Read your Fate in a Teacup, A Dictionary of Symbols, Fortune telling Basics Series, Brand Complete New Edition, Illustrated, Tasseography is a divination or fortune-telling method that interprets patterns in tea leaves, coffee grounds, or wine sediments. The terms derive from the French word tasse (cup), which in turn derives from the cognate Arabic word tassa, and the Greek suffixes -graph (writing), -logy (study of), and -mancy (divination). There is no scientific evidence that the future can be determined through interpretation of these patterns. Divination attempts to gain insight into the natural world through intuitive interpretation of synchronistic events. The first inklings of Western tasseography can be traced to medieval European fortune tellers who developed their readings from splatters of wax, lead, and other molten substances. This evolved into tea-leaf reading in the seventeenth century, a short time after Dutch merchants introduced tea to Europe via trade routes to China. Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England have produced a number of practitioners and authors on the subject, and English potteries have crafted many elaborate tea cup sets specially designed and decorated to aid in fortune-telling. Cultures of the Middle East that practice divination in this fashion usually use left-over coffee grounds from Turkish coffee/Lebanese coffee/Greek coffee turned over onto a plate,