Our Journey: One Couple's Guide to U.S. Surrogacy, Paperback/MR Richard Westoby

Our Journey: One Couple's Guide to U.S. Surrogacy, Paperback/MR Richard Westoby


This book is a fascinating personal story that describes from start to finish the journey of a couple based in the U. K. undertaking IVF and surrogacy in the U. S. Written as their story it is also a detailed step by step guide that aims to help those starting out on the road to parenthood via surrogacy. Each chapter is a different step of that journey and it gives the reader an incredibly detailed insight into what to expect along the way. The chapters end with very practical questions and tips that the reader should be asking. This book raises pertinent questions targeted specifically for intended parents to analyse what should be done and when. In highlighting certain issues it enables those embarking on the surrogacy journey to become much more informed about the issues that will come up. Although this book is about two men creating their family in the U. S it actually looks at the thought process and decisions required around IVF and surrogacy. It has been written in a way that anyone considering surrogacy can learn more about the journey and hopefully can gain insights into what to expect. It has been written so that the chapters are virtually stand-alone; if one part is not relevant it can be skipped and the next chapter read. The aims of the book are to demystify surrogacy and to simplify the decision making involved at every step. But the real goal of this book is to help others have a single unbiased reference guide on the whole IVF and surrogacy process. About the Author: Richard Westoby is one of the fathers to a set of boy/girl twins born in September 2012. Richard and his partner Steven undertook surrogacy in the U. S. and learned a lot about the process during the process. Since the twins were born, Richard has become an advocate helping prospective parents learn more about IVF and surrogacy in general but predominantly about doing it in the U. S. In doing so Richard aims to help parents make informed decisions from the outset. Richard has always had a fasci

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