The Wealth Magic Workbook: Or Buddy, Can You Spare a Paradigm?/Dave Lee
Description A Chaos Magician teaches the theory and practice of Wealth and Money magics. Wealth is the art and science of having sufficient money and resources to work your will in the world. The Wealth Magic Workbook is a compendium of tried and tested techniques to help you do just that. About the Author I'm a breathwork coach and chaos magician, and my writing is fired by my explorations of miraculous healing and breathtaking synchronicities. What is too big and weird to fit into my non-fiction books on magic and breathwork gets used to create the other realities I write about in my short stories and novels. You will find a selection of my writings on my website at www. chaotopia. co. uk. I was an early editor of the seminal journal Chaos International, and have been active for many years in the I. O.T. (Illuminates of Thanateros) and the Rune-Gild. I teach at Arcanorium online college of magic, at www. arcanoriumcollege. com. For regular links, excerpts and updates, folow me on Twitter at @dleeahp. For blog entries on all sorts of stuff, from cosmology through to paganism via chaos magic and the Northern mythos, follow my blog at http: //chaotopia-dave. blogspot. com/. My current projects include the prequel to my recent novel 'The Road to Thule'. In the non-fiction area, I'm working on 'The Breathwork Handbook', an in-depth study based on nearly 20 years of breathwork practice, and an examination of the magical and transpersonal dimensions of connected breathwork. I'm happy to correspond about breathwork and related issues, email me at dleeahp@inbox. com. I am based in Sheffield, UK, and spend quite a bit of time in London as well.