Beauty and the Beast Tales from Around the World/Heidi Anne Heiner
Description Beauty and the Beast is inarguably one of the most beloved-if not the most-beloved fairy tale in modern times. While Cinderella is better known, Beauty and the Beast is most often voted the favorite among readers. The tale has definite literary origins. It was written by Madame Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve in 1740 as a novella length book. Villeneuve drew upon folklore for her inspiration as well as other literary predecessors. Her story was then adapted and rewritten by Madame Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont in 1757 into the version we most easily recognize today. The tale is part of a larger group of folktales-Animal Bridegroom stories-known in countless variations throughout Europe and Asia as well as Africa and the Americas. Starting with the story of Cupid and Psyche from the second century A. D. and continuing to modern times, Animal Bridegroom stories have warned and thrilled readers for at least two millennia. This collection offers over 180 Animal Bridegroom tales from around the world. Some of the tales are new translations, a few appearing for the first time in English. Whether you are a student of folklore or an armchair enthusiast, this anthology offers a diverse array of tales with a unifying theme that both entertains and educates, all gathered for the first time in one impressive collection. About the author Heidi Anne Heiner is the creator and keeper of the Sur La Lune Fairy Tale Pages at Sur La Lune Fairy Tales. com. On the internet since 1998, the site shares fairy tale illustrations from the Golden Age of illustration and over a thousand full-text fairy tales from around the world. Forty-nine popular fairy tales are annotated with links to similar tales from numerous cultures as well as information on modern interpretations in books, films, music, and theatre. The site also features a blog about fairy tales and folklore with an emphasis on popular culture.