Conquering Pain: The Art of Healing with BioMagnetism, Paperback/Peter Kulish
The award winning book, Conquering Pain: The Art of Healing with Biomagnetism, is now in its second edition. With ground-breaking work in the field of magnetic therapy, Conquering Pain is the only comprehensive magnet therapy guide you will ever need to stop pain, start healing and maintain wellness. Written for the individual and the practitioner, Conquering Pain provides step-by-step applications for over 170 painful A-Z health conditions such as arthritis, backaches, burns, carpal tunnel, headaches, sprains, tendonitis, toothaches, acute injuries and chronic illness. The protocols are exact, scientifically-based, easy-to-apply, and are illustrated throughout the book. The second edition also details the simple-to-use, breakthrough Circuit Therapies that have helped heal such acute and chronic conditions as optokinetic infant blindness, CFS, malabsorption, early-mid MS, fibromyalgia, lupus, post-stroke dysfunction, severed nerves (paraplegic walks again), 400% faster healing of crushed/splintered bones, individuals awakening and healing from terminating comas, and much more. Now after three and a half decades of development, the new second edition provides amazing, never-seen-before research and pictures of immediate rapid healing of inflammation/free-radical sites, immediate increase in red blood cell vitality so important in heart attack and stroke prevention, and immediate increases in cellular tissue voltage resulting in healing never achieved before. In addition, you will learn the simple steps to defend against EMF toxicity and how to overcome EMF and chemical hypersensitivity (electro/chemical-hypersensitivity). Also you'll learn the important information about the dangers of applying magnetism improperly - are those magnetic bracelets and foot pads good for you? As Los Angeles Chinese American Medical Doctor Chu Hsiang Chi explains, "Conquering Pain by Peter Kulish is the only magnet therapy book that incorporates the important knowledge of] energy medicin