The Story of Saint Nicholas: A Children's Adaptation/Laura Wagner
As one of the best loved saints of all time, the image of Saint Nicholas is uniquely celebrated in different countries across the globe. As a bishop, Nicholas was devoted to charitable works by secretly giving gifts to those in need. He continues to inspire us through the act of selfless giving and by spreading the universal gifts of peace, love and good will to all. About the Author: LAURA WAGNER received her B. A. in Theatre Education and M. A. in Fine Arts from the University of Montana. She is a teacher, performer, Scottish bagpiper, storyteller and writer and currently lives with her family in Pittsburgh. Other works include: The Art of Play, I Can Find God, Harvey the Right Handed Horse, His Eye is on the Sparrow, Over the Rainbow, The Story of The Little Drummer Boy and The Story of Saint Patrick. For more information, please visit her website, www. laurawagnerbooks. com.