The Get Ready Guide for the Bergen Academies Admission Test Third Edition: Completely Updated with New Essay Section and Bca Level Questions and Full, Paperback/Kareem Gouda
The Bergen County Academies is one of the best high schools in the world, and every resident of Bergen County has a chance of becoming a BCA student. I wrote this book to help you do just that. The Get Ready Guide contains 12 chapters that cover all the math and essay topics and tricks you will need to know for the test. Emphasis throughout the book and in chapter 11 is given to solving problems without using a calculator because the use of calculators is not allowed on the Bergen Academies admission test. This new third edition of The Get Ready Guide from Gouda BCA has: 1. A completely new essay section that covers the structure of the essay, important writing techniques, and important writing tricks. The essay section covers organization, clarity, word choice, transitions, grammar, and language. Also in this new section are sample essays with detailed commentary and step by step examples on each paragraph. 2. A BCA level practice sheet that is answered in details. 3. A full length BCA math test that is identical in level and format to the actual BCA practice tests. All this is in addition to the 2000 practice questions from the past edition. Be sure to email us after buying the book for free videos, extra practice, and complimentary essay revision. Some topics presented in this book are: CHAPTER 1 THE BASIC STUFF 1. Types of Numbers 2. Place Value 3. Expanded Form 4. Ordering Numbers 5. Rounding Whole Numbers 6. Divisibility Tests 7. Commutative Property 8. Associative Property 9. Distributive Property 10. Adding & Subtracting Zero 11. Multiplying & Dividing by Zero 12. Multiplying & Dividing by One 13. Factors of a Number 14. Prime Factorization 15. Multiples of a Number 16. Exponents 17. Square Roots (Radicals) 18. Factorial Notation 19. Order of Operations 20. The Number Line 21. The Absolute Value 22. Adding & Subtracting with Negative Numbers 23. Multiplying & Dividing with Negative Numbers 24. Coordinates on a Grid CHAPTER 2 FRACTIONS 1. What is a Fraction?