The Petrified Soul: Exposing Satan's Strategy to Destroy Your Life, Paperback/Robert Summers
Description Many "Christians" are struggling in life. Much of this is due to arrested development in the emotional arena. Far too many suffer from severe rejection, narcissistic relationships, and anxiety. They have become perpetual victims from early childhood trauma. Sexual abuse, molestation, verbal abuse, physical abuse and emotional abuse from the original has caused millions to suffer. Many are coming to our churches looking for freedom, yet walk away further wounded due to the lack of understanding of genuine deliverance and the inability to provide "post-deliverance" therapy. This book is designed to be a resource to help you understand how the soul becomes petrified and how arrested development operates and takes root in a person's life. We will look at many of the common signs and symptoms that exist in a person that has a petrified soul. This book will not only explain what a Petrified Soul is, but it will help you to understand that your behaviors have a source. And once you identify the source you can restart the growing process and maturate into the person God has made you be. To deny the fact that we have past and systemic problems, we end up blocking the growing process. The Human mind needs to understand that there's a reason for why we behave the way we do, not an excuse. As we begin to learn the truth about our past and bring light to the deep darkness, we can start to walk in the reality of who God made us be and heal the wounds that exist in our life. "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8: 32