Saint Joseph of Wisconsin: The Heroic True Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy That Fake News & Fake Historians Don't Want You to Know, Paperback/M. S. King
Description273 Pages / 500 Images Who was Joseph Mc Carthy, and why is he, without question, hands-down -- the most widely and most viciously vilified personage in American history? The official version of history -- written by academic operatives serving the same ruling class which Mc Carthy sought to expose - teaches us that the Wisconsin Senator was a nasty bullying brute who dirtied the reputations of anyone who disagreed with him politically. As the story goes, if one was a "liberal," the demagogue Mc Carthy slandered him as a "communist" and, just like that, an innocent man, or woman, was ruined. Mc Carthy's mole-hunting came to be known as "Mc Carthyism" - a derogatory term still used today to describe political slanderers. More than sixty years after his crusade against "Red" traitors was stopped in its tracks, American school children, who learn very little about history (real or fake), will surely learn about the "evil" Joe Mc Carthy - and it's all a pack of slickly-packaged lies. The history of Joe Mc Carthy is a story that absolutely must be corrected not merely for the sake of academic scholarship, but more importantly, because the very same "conspiracy so immense" that ultimately destroyed Mc Carthy is still alive and well today - and more dangerous than ever. This is the true story of Senator Joseph Mc Carthy - "Saint" Joseph of Wisconsin. Hallowed be his unjustly dirtied name.