God's Amazing Word and the Messiah Code: Two Great Books in One Volume, Paperback/Bob Mitchell
GOD'S AMAZING WORD AND THE MESSIAH CODE These two Amazon bestselling books reveal awesome discoveries in God's word that simply defy any natural explanation. You will be stunned by the prophetic connection between the book of Esther and the execution of Nazi war criminals in 1946. Discover God's favourite number 7 hidden mathematically within the Hebrew text and very dates surrounding the re-birth of Israel in 1948. Hidden within the very first Hebrew word in the book of Genesis the crucifixion of the Messiah is revealed thousands of years before it took place. God even encoded the very identity of the Messiah within the pictographs, names and events recorded in the Old Testament in such a way that the message could only be accomplished by a Divine hand. These two bestselling books reveal such stunning evidence only the most die - hard sceptic will deny.