Silver Platter Hoe 2: Blood Ain't No Thicker Than Water, Paperback/Reds Johnson
Description The family feud continues as Desire sets out to end it once and for all. But someone very close to her in many ways stops her from pulling the trigger. After trying to get on with their lives by moving to another state, Desire and Rell receives some shocking news that pushes Rell over the edge. Once again, he does everything in his power to protect his family, but will that be enough? Desire finds a letter in Rell's pocket that holds a secret that he's been keeping from her since they been together. After finding out the truth behind it, Desire realizes there's a new Trina in town and tries her hardest to protect her family as well. More secrets push their way to the surface and adds more fuel to the fire. Just when they thought things couldn't get any worse, the unexpected happens. About the Author To be such a young woman, the stories she wrote hit so close to home for many. She writes urban, romance, erotica, Reds Johnson aka Anne Marie is a twenty-four-year-old independent author born and raised in New Jersey. She started writing at the age of nine years old, and ever since then, writing has been her passion. Her inspirations were Danielle Santiago, and Wahida Clark.