Drawing Strength from the Right Sources: A Book of Inspiration, Paperback/Chris Goppert
The intent of this publication is not to answer the perennially-nagging Why question related to suffering. Rather, this book is designed to direct the reader toward recognizing the larger and more important who and how factors overarching the dynamics associated with coming to terms with personal afflictions. By focusing on the who factor relative to the place for suffering in this world, one is led to appreciate that God is and will remain unquestionably good and trustworthy and that his gracious will (Eph. 1: 5-11) allows for suffering and hardship in accordance with the integrity of his heart and in the outworking of his inscrutable, but all-wise, purposes for time and eternity. Having properly engaged the indispensable who aspect of the matter, we can more easily segue into the how factor or the ability for processing and coming to terms with our trials and afflictions. About the Author: Chris Goppert was born and brought up in Southern California in a predominantly WASP culture. As a teenager, Chris assumed he was a Christian because he attended church. Chris Goppert was born and brought up in Southern California in a predominantly WASP culture. As a teenager, Chris assumed he was a Christian because he attended church. However, when he heard about the grace and love of God for him as revealed in Jesus, Chris realized there was more to being a Christian than just attending church, and it was at that point he trusted Christ as his Savior at the age of nineteen, while attending university. On the night of his conversion, Chris sensed the call of God upon his life to take the Gospel to others, whom he envisioned were waiting for someone to bring the Word to them, as it was brought to him through the faithful witness of a cousin. After completing studies in college and an internship program, Chris and his wife, Joyce, went to what was then Rhodesia, Africa, (now Zimbabwe) in 1973 to commence missionary service with TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission). In 1977, the Gop