Bullycide in America: Moms Speak Out about the Bullying/Suicide Connection, Paperback/Brenda High
Description This is not a book about blame or guilt, although it may certainly spark that kind of discussion. This is not a book about getting even or setting the record straight, although it may do that as well. And, this is not a book for clinicians, although it will offer some scientific data and educational resources. This is a book of real stories about real kids. Kids who took their own lives because they thought it was their only way out of a hopeless situation. It is about the tragic choices they made in an effort to end the pain - when they believed there was no other solution. It is told by mothers who are willing to share their own personal pain as they watched their children suffer and struggle. It is about their own efforts to advocate for their children while they continue to deal with their own devastating loss and the aftermath of bullycide. About the Author On September 29, 1998, when her son Jared took his life, Brenda's life changed forever. As a result, Brenda testified to the Washington State House Education Committee on the subject of bullying, pushing for passage of an anti bullying law. It was signed into law in March 2002. Soon after, Brenda founded Bully Police USA, which reports on State Anti Bullying Laws and advocates for children who are bullied in school. Brenda is the webmaster of www. Jared Story. com www. Bully Police. org and www. Bullycide. org She has consulted with media, television and lawmakers as well as telling Jared's story to educators, students and parents. Brenda has appeared as a guest on "Judge Alex" and told her story on "E! Investigates: Bullying." Brenda has spoken about Bullying, Depression, Suicide/Bullycide, healing from loss and numerous other subjects to many groups, organizations and conferences around the USA. To find out more about Brenda, a mom on a mission to stop school bullying, go to www. Brenda High. com.