Zoning 101: A Practical Introduction: Third Edition, Paperback/Marilyn C. Stephani
Previously published by the National League of Cities, this book will enable you to put everything related to zoning in context. As stated in the book's Introduction by renown Land Use Attorney Dwight H. Merriam, FAICP, this book is "essential reading for every citizen who is interested in understanding this important aspect of the operation of their local government.... ZONING 101 will turn the novice into an expert, and reinforce an expert's understanding of ... the seven basic elements that form the center of the universe for all zoning ordinances." The Connecticut Conference of Municipalities finds it "written in a concise, easy-to-read style, the primer introduces and explains the basic philosophy, and administration of modern zoning ordinances. The book is designed to be accessible and informative for busy local elected officials, and will be a handy reference tool for staff professionals, especially in smaller communities with limited personnel and resources for planning and zoning. The book features a section on "the seven basic elements of zoning," and a glossary. Other focuses include application processing, planned unit developments, overlay zones, subdivisions, performance zoning, and enforcement procedures. There also are practical tips on how to tackle difficult zoning situations and ways to involve the public in a positive manner on zoning issues." The authors also wrote a companion book entitled "Planning Cities 101: A Practical Introduction," as well as a guide published by the International City/County Management Association entitled "Establishing Effective Citizens Advisory Committees," and a book entitled THE NEW CITY MANAGER - A STUDY IN GOVERNMENT ETHICS. About the Author: Carl Stephani holds a Bachelor's Degree in Social Science from the University of California at Berkeley and a Master's Degree in Regional Planning from Syracuse University. He also studied at the University of California at Riverside, the University of New Mexico, Columbia Univ