Finger Monkey Pet. What You Need to Know. Finger Monkey or Pygmy Marmoset Information. Pygmy Marmoset Care, Environment, Behaviour, Feeding and Health, Paperback/Harry Holdstone
The Pygmy Marmoset or Finger Monkey is the smallest True Monkey and the second smallest primate in the world. These primates are intelligent, acrobatic, energetic, fun to watch... and a lot of work. This readable book provides a great deal of helpful factual and practical information on this species of New World Monkey including what it needs in order to be happy and healthy. If you are considering buying a Pygmy Marmoset you will find honest information about the advantages and disadvantages of these tiny primates so that you can make a balanced and considered decision that takes their nature and needs, your personality and your lifestyle into account. If you already own a Finger monkey, the contents of this book will help you to make the most of your exotic and demanding pet and keep him or her well cared for. There are a number of practical tips, lists and checklists to help you to become the owner your primate friend needs you to be. For those who already have these off-the-chart cute creatures and are considering breeding with them, this book is for you too as it provides general information about mating, pregnancy and birth and the rigours of hand-rearing these vulnerable infants. Finally, this book is for all those people who are just interested to learn about this species. Covered in this book: - Are they good pets? - Basics - Behaviour - Costs - Development - Do's and Don'ts - Enclosure - Feeding - General care - Health - Interaction - Personality - Safety tips - Training - Treats .... and much more