Our Brave Star: Book One, Paperback/Jessi Lanier
Description Hannah Johnson is a contemporary American teenager bored with her Honor's English class, she has been assigned on the Holocaust. How does she even believe these horrible things she is reading ever even happened? It was so long ago. Hitler could not have been as bad as the books portray him, could he? While studying in her room one evening, Hannah mysteriously finds herself transported to a backroom in a dark bookshop in hiding with two other Jewish families while Nazi soldiers lurk just outside the building. How did she get here? This couldn't be happening. She is from 2016; the Holocaust happened in the 1930s-1940s. She eventually finds out she is indeed in the 1940s in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, hiding in a bookshop with these Jews who need her help. What can she do to help these people? Once she recovers from the shock of her situation, she joins a resistance group of Jews helping to smuggle Jewish families past the Nazi soldiers and out of the country to safety in Sweden across the North Sea by way of fishing ships. Before long, things take a nasty turn for the worse, and Hannah will be tested in not only herself but also in her newfound faith in God to see her through the most dangerous situation possible. How can she be brave when all she wants to do is go home? Will Hannah be able to ever make it back home to America in 2016? Will she ever see her family again? What about her new Jewish friends that have become like family? Will they survive, or will they all be sent to concentration camps? How will she ever find her way back home? If she does make it home, she knows she will never be the same again.