The Humanist Approach to Happiness: Practical Wisdom, Paperback/Jennifer S. Hancock
Description This is a book that basically says - here are personal ethics, here is why they are important, and here is how you can apply them to your daily life and why doing so will help you live a happier more productive life. Life isn't easy. It is filled with challenges. How we navigate those challenges determines our success in life. If you want to learn more about how to think more effectively about the choices you make, this book will help. The Humanist approach to Happiness was written as a way to encourage young people to think about and discuss their personal ethics and values in the context of every day decision making. In other words, how can they be the best most ethical person they can be. How can and why should they be ethical with their friends? What values should they be considering when they are deciding whether or not to try drugs and to drink alcohol? How and why should we be ethical while dating, and breaking up? How can we apply our values to ourselves when we are grieving? And most importantly, why all this matters. About the Author Jennifer is a Humanist Life Skills educator. She helps transform people's lives by teaching people how Humanism can help them in all aspects of their life and how it can help them to be the best most ethical person they can be. Her work focuses on 3 key areas: How to make better decisions through critical thinking. How to improve your relationships through compassion. How to infuse your life with meaning and purpose by prioritizing your ethics. By sharing her pragmatic Humanist approach to living life fully and intentionally, Jennifer has transformed the lives of those who have been touched by her work. By encouraging people be the best, most ethical humans they can be, she consistently challenges people to think about and question who they are, what they are and more importantly, how they want to be. Her work encourages people to rise to the challenge of living fully; embracing both the good and the bad as part of wh