Asatru: The Great Nordic Indigenous Religion of Europe, Paperback/Bro Henning Andreas Klovekorn
Asatru, the Nordic Indigenous Religion of Europe, is one of the world's most ancient ethnic and cultural traditions. It is a rational, positive and empowering religion, which complements science and allows for freedom of expression. Asatru fosters the concept of critical thinking, self-empowerment and knowledge over blind faith. Asatru values honour, gender equality, representative government, personal accountability and tradition. Profoundly allegorical and deeply philosophical, Asatru is about the importance of the family and connection to nature. The Nordic tradition does not fear its gods, has no devil, and no concept of eternal sin. On the contrary, Asatru fosters the natural interaction within nature and challenges its kin to live active and responsible lives. Although a religion with a deep and powerful ancestral heritage, Asatru is as much about the present and future as it is about the past. This book provides a definitive guide to Asatru, the Nordic Indigenous Religion of Europe - its development, its unyielding history, major events and military victories. Inclusive of the Klovekorn Asatru Rituals, gain an insight into Germanic myths, sacred sites and cultural heroes. Be inspired by a revelation of Nordic philosophy, symbols and ancient cultural practices. Understand the Nordic deities and allegories of Odin, Freja, Tyr, Thor, the Nordic Easter and Yule Festivals. Learn how to read, write and use runes, the ancient ancestral language of the Germanic Peoples. If you have Germanic or Anglo-Saxon heritage, this book reveals the faith and tradition of your ancestors and bloodline - rediscover what you have lost and what your internal spirit yearns to regain, your true and natural religion. This is a must read book for all Europeans and persons of Anglo Saxon heritage. It will become a life-long reference companion. Although Thors mighty hammer, one of the symbols of our tradition, hangs from the necks of only an exclusive few, being replaced by an alien relig