God-Given Food: A Bible Study and Beyond.../Celia Marie
Description Do you want to improve your physical and mental health? Loose weight and gain energy?Learn how to map out your heath goals and develop a plan to success? Are you confused by all the different diets that claim to be healthy? Are you interested in learning about diet from a biblical perspective as well as a historical and scientific perspective? In this two-part bible study you will gain the answers you seek and will become empowered to make the life-changes you need to achieve your specific health goals in a faith based environment. Part one of the study is 6 weeks, in which you will become educated in God-Given Foods, draw closer to the Lord in prayer, and develop a personalized plan to achieve your goals. Part two (extended study) you will implement your plan, dive deeper into the history of God-Given Foods and how to prepare them, and discover new delicious recipes, and accomplish your goals.