Language Olympics Esl/Ell Student Workbook: English as Second Language / English Language Learning - Book Two, Paperback/MS Jan Walsh
Description Second booklet in the Language Olympic series. For English as Second Language (ESL) and English Language Learning (ELL) tutoring. Revised May 2018About the Author Jan Walsh has worked in individualized education venues for many years, specializing in helping struggling students. In 2008 she began work on an adult literacy program. After using her materials with a number of different pilot groups over a period of seven years, Language Olympics began distribution in January 2015. Currently, the materials are being used for one-on-one tutoring of adult students in English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) or English Language Learning (ELL) classes. This newest volume, the Language Olympics ESL/ELL Workbook 1, is designed especially for the beginning level of ESL/ELL instruction.