Night Sky Playing Cards: Playing with the Constellations/Jonathan Poppele
Play cards and learn about constellations Play your favorite card games while studying the constellations. Based on the award-winning Night Sky field guide by Jonathan Poppele, this gorgeous deck of playing cards features 52 different constellations, and each suit represents a different season. So you'll know what to look for and when to look for it. The deck can also be used as flash cards. Learning the constellations has never been so much fun About the Author: Jonathan Poppele is a naturalist, author, and educator with wide-ranging interests. He earned a master's degree in Conservation Biology from the University of Minnesota, studying citizen science, environmental education and how to cultivate a personal relationship with the natural world. He has taught college level environmental studies, biology, and writing courses and currently teaches in the Department of Writing Studies at the University of Minnesota. An avid outdoorsman and student of natural history, Jon is a member of the Astronomical League, the Minnesota Astronomical Society, the Minnesota Trackers Club, and the International Society for Professional Trackers. A Black Belt in the peaceful martial art of Ki-Aikido, Jon is the Founder and Director of the Center for Mind-Body Oneness in Saint Paul, MN. You can reach Jon through his website at www. jonathanpoppele. com, follow him on Twitter @jonathanpoppele, or join him on Facebook.