Being Infinite: An Entheogenic Odyssey Into the Limitless Eternal: A Memoir from Ayahuasca to Zen, Paperback/Martin W. Ball Ph. D.
"I want to tell you the story of how I accepted the truth that God is the only reality, including you, and including me. I want to tell you the story of how I learned that everything that exists is one, universal, all-embracing, loving being, and how all sense of separation or distinction from this one being is an illusion created by the mind and human ego. I want to tell you how I learned this truth within myself, and have subsequently learned to live with this reality as an individual who has been profoundly and permanently transformed by this truth. "Perhaps despite appearances, this is not a tale of spirituality, religion, or anything of the kind - if anything, it is a tale of overcoming and moving beyond the inherent limitations of religion and spirituality as constructs of the human ego. It is a tale of truth, personal discovery, and liberation and transformation. It is a very personal story with universal ramifications, and as such, it is timeless. "I want to tell you of how I discovered myself, and in doing so, also discovered you." - From Being Infinite In this very revealing memoir, entheogenic researcher, Dr. Martin W. Ball, Ph. D., details his quest for self-discovery, transformation, and liberation into authentic being. His journey takes him through struggles as a graduate student in Religious Studies, an unhappy marriage, explorations of numerous spiritual traditions, and deep into the mysterious realm of entheogens. The tale told here follows Dr. Ball through his practice of Zen meditation, his initiation into Mescalero Apache medicine traditions, use of peyote in the Native American church, ayahuasca and Santo Daime, and the explosive and life-altering event of experiencing 5-Me O-DMT with the Temple of Awakening Divinity and his first encounter with the true nature of being as God and Universal Consciousness. A pivotal moment comes for Dr. Ball in 2007 at Burning Man, where he finally admits to himself that he is profoundly unhappy. In order to be tru