Kundalini & Kriya Yoga, Paperback/Sri Dharam Vir Mangla
It is a bestselling comprehensive complete practical guide & workbook of Yoga. It covers both the Kundalini Yoga and sacred technique of Kriya-Yoga, theory as well as practical. It is a spiritual research work and a searchlight to the seekers of God to learn and practice yoga at their convenient time. This book work as a spiritual Guru at home at your convenient time. It is difficult for spiritual aspirants to find a genuine Guru and live in his company at his ashram. It can bring physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual development of the aspirants. It can bring sound health, peace, harmony, bliss and joy in the life of the readers. Yoga is not so called practices of few asana or physical exercises for improving health. This is most misleading of aspirants of yoga. Yoga means communion of our soul with God. This book tells you how to commune with God? How to meditate on God? What is God? How to achieve self-realization?About the Author: About the Author: Sh. Dharam Vir Mangla, M. Sc. M. Ed. PGDCA, retired Principal got his masters degrees from University of Delhi. He belongs to a spiritual educated family. He is an extraordinary combination of spiritual and scientific bent of mind. He joined his Ph. D. in Mathematics at Delhi University in 1969. Since then he is practicing yoga and have the opportunity of the company and blessings of great saints. He used to discuss about God, Shastras and Sciences with the saints and scientists. He has fully devoted his life in the pursuit of God, spiritual studies and yoga practices. He served as a lecturer in Mathematics at University of Aden and worked as Principal in Delhi. He is a disciple of Paramhans Yogananda and practicing 'Kriya Yoga' since long. He is a scholar of Science, Mathematics, Education and Philosophy. He has the ability to correlate Sciences, Shastras, Spiritual Science and God. His books are the rare masterpieces based upon his spiritual experiences and vast studies, which are useful for both believers and no