Blue Beam Project A Zionists-Illuminatis Advanced Weapon: In the 21st Century, Paperback/Mohamed Cherif

Blue Beam Project A Zionists-Illuminatis Advanced Weapon: In the 21st Century, Paperback/Mohamed Cherif


In the contrary of the forties, fifties, sixties and seventies eras were the mainstream media try to discredits all the sightings and information about extraterrestrials, unidentified flight objects, for years now and for a future ones, you see and you'll see mainstream media talks about aliens sightings and incidents, NASA talking about discovering new planets and new possibilities of life on them, you'll see high definition documentaries, you'll see Hollywood productions about aliens threats, you should ask: Why?The answer is here .About the Author: Mohamed Cherif is the Pen Name of Mohamed Almouldi Asharif. He writes in different fields of conventional and unconventional knowledges and sciences. He has physics sciences master degree .He is an Environment Activist, support civil societies and he works against Tyranny around the world.

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