Agnes Sanford and Her Companions, Paperback/William L. de Arteaga
Description Agnes Sanford was arguably the most original and spiritually fruitful theologians of the twentieth century. Among her achievements were the discovery and development of the inner healing ministry, the development of a theology of the light of God (missing in Western theology), and the first ever theology of "nature prayers"--as in stilling storms. She and her husband developed a school to teach ministers and lay leaders healing and deliverance prayer, and the gifts of the Spirit a decade before the charismatic renewal made such things acceptable in mainline churches. In spite of these achievements, she is largely ignored and unrecognized today. This work examines her career and shows why her theology, though deeply biblical, was unacceptable to "orthodox" critics. Sanford was part of a group who worked from the 1900s through the 1960s to make healing and deliverance prayer as normal in church. They had to confront the erroneous established theology of cessationism, which affirmed that the healing ministry of the church was past. "The important role played by Agnes Sanford in the history of healing ministry is one that needs telling, and De Arteaga is well placed to tell it. . . . Anyone interested in the history of Sanford or who wants to understand how to encourage healing ministry in the life of the church will find this book a very rewarding read." --Justyn Terry, Dean, President and Professor of Systematic Theology, Trinity School for Ministry, Ambridge, PA "This inspiring book shows how one dedicated person can, by persistence, change the mindset of an entire group of people. From healing prayer being the activity of a small group, it has now become ordinary, especially in family members praying for one another." --Francis and Judith Mac Nutt, Founders of Christian Healing Ministries, Inc. "De Arteaga's perspective on the move of God in healing for the denominations is never overshadowed by the rise of Pentecostalism in non-denominational chu