The Study of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, Paperback/Rev Dr Derrick a. Hill
This material will be based on several things to tie a lot of things together, that might have been hindering us as Christians to grow to our potential. You see there are keys in the word of God that must be understood. To receive the total blessing of the promises we must be incompliance of Gods revelation for man. Within the keys we fine many things and within this material we are going to be looking for a greater understanding of Christ Jesus. I found the best way to do that is to study the tribes. For which will enhance our understanding of the Old Testament, and exactly how things connected to the New Testament. And most of all give us better understanding of the Savoir our Lord Jesus Christ, through understanding His character. We will look at the four major characteristics of our Lord. To see how His perfection of the traits that combined together outlined the characteristic which the tribes possessed. Each trait is a key in our understanding of a closer walk with Christ. As we see the riches in getting closer to the perfect character of Christ Jesus in our daily life. To enhance our life in such a way that we can have victory in areas were we struggle. Not saying we are going to be perfect here on earth, but we can strive to be better each day. We will also decipher some keys which will unlock and give clarity in some things in the New Testament. That will enrich our lives forever God Bless You Let's get started. The power in God's revelation instead of man's interpretation sets free some things that hinders. This book will be looking at the qualities or traits that build characteristics that combined with other characteristics built Christ Jesus character. With the understanding of the Tribes will give the quality that builds characteristics that grows and develops character. Enjoy the readings you have my Blessings as well as my Prayers God Bless