A Pro Wrestling Curriculum Advice, Suggestions and Stories to Help the Aspiring Pro Get to the Next Level., Paperback/Dr Tom Prichard
With over 30 years experience in professional wrestling, Dr. Tom Prichard was an integral part of WWE's developmental system beginning in 1996-2004. His first students were Dwayne Johnson (The Rock), Mark Henry and Achim Albrecht (Brakkus). Dr. Tom was the first coach and trainer and after a brief break, returned to WWE and was once again Head coach and trainer for the developmental system from 2007-2012. A Pro Wrestling Curriculum is a one year, daily schedule for students and coaches to follow and learn from. There are lists, suggestions and ideas as well as holds, moves and an overall foundation to build on. This is a teaching manual not meant to describe how each hold is done step by step. Not every hold is meant for everybody This curriculum was done with the idea a more experienced and knowledgeable coach/trainer was in attendance. There is is not just one way to learn and /or teach anything Even the basic manuevers in this curriculum can be dangerous and should not be attempted without proper supervision. But if you are just starting or been plying your trade on the independent scene, the lists and suggestions are invaluable. Dr. Tom includes an email he can be reached at if you have any questions about the holds or suggestions in this curriculum. A MUST for anyone looking to get to the next level or just wants an insight to how a developmental system might be run by the big leagues Some of the stars who trained under Dr. Tom Prichard include The Rock, Mark Henry, Sheamus, Edge, Christian, Dolph Ziggler, Ted Di Biase Jr, Heath Slater, Kofi Kingston, Damien Sandow, Seth Rollins, Xavier Woods, Mason Ryan, Alex Riley, Husky Harris, Bo Rotundo, Mike Mondo, Jinder Mahal, Luke Gallows, Curt Hawkins, Tyler Reks, Zach Ryder, Justin Gabriel, Ryback, Dave Otunga, Leo Kruger, Kris Logan, Alberto Rodriguez, Ricardo Rodriguez, Tyson Kidd, Harry Smith, Rick Victor, Jack Swagger, The Usos, Brodus Clay, James Bronson, Corey Graves, Conor O'Brien, Kenneth Cameron, Hunico, Cama