The Prayer Saturated Family: How to Change the Atmosphere in Your Home Through Prayer/Cheryl Sacks
Description A Bestselling Author Shows How Prayer Can Change the Atmosphere of Your Home As we experience an unprecedented cultural attack on biblical values, it has never been more important for families to pray together. But busy schedules, digital distractions, and a general lack of enthusiasm make this vital goal difficult. How do we change the focus of our families from the world to the Lord, and the mood of our households from one of frustration to one of peace and joy? In The Prayer-Saturated Family, Cheryl Sacks gives you step-by-step guidance and real-world tips on how to experience the atmosphere of heaven in your home by praying together regularly as a family. Sacks helps you navigate the challenges--like getting everyone involved --and experience the benefits of family prayer, such as unity, spiritual growth, and precious bonding time. Discover how a family that prays together becomes an unstoppable force for good, bringing God's answers to impossible situations. And it can start with you You have the power not only to change the atmosphere of your home but also to be part of changing the spiritual atmosphere wherever you go. About the author Cheryl Sacks, national speaker and bestselling author, is the co-founder and leader of Bridge Builders International Leadership Network (www. bridgebuilders. net) along with her husband, Hal. She has written for such publications as "Pray! "magazine and Rick Warren's "Pastors' Toolbox." Her teachings have been aired on TBN and GOD TV. Cheryl is a consultant to churches and businesses, helping them develop and implement prayer strategies for Kingdom success. Cheryl and Hal live near Phoenix, Arizona.