Educating for Redemptive Community, Paperback/Denise Janssen
Description Jesus made claims about redemptive community throughout his ministry when he called people to extravagant grace. Even in the midst of the oppression of his day, Jesus preached and taught that redemptive community was possible if his followers would simply stop hoarding, hiding, and excluding. What a prophetic word for today in the midst of modern day oppression and fears of scarcity In this edited volume, in honor of religious education scholars Jack Seymour and Margaret Ann Crain, eight of their Ph D advisees--each scholars in their own right--join Seymour and Crain to lay out their vision of redemptive community. Rooted in their own scholarship, each contributor proposes ways in which Jesus' vision of redemptive community can become reality in churches and congregations, and in our larger world. In addition to essays by Jack Seymour and Margaret Ann Crain, scholars contributing to this volume include Dori Grinenko Baker, Reginald Blount, Evelyn L. Parker, Mai-Anh Le Tran, Leah Gunning Francis, Carmichael Crutchfield, Debora B. A. Junker, and Denise Janssen. The foreword by Mary Elizabeth Moore and afterword by Seymour and Crain set the volume in the larger context of the church and academy. "Educating for Redemptive Community is a treasure of cutting edge scholarship on the ability of education within faith communities to address the world's most pressing issues. . . . There could not be a more fitting description of a faithful response to the needs of a world in crisis, nor for the deep and abiding values that flow through Crain's and Seymour's years of individual and collaborative work. This volume leads readers into an illuminating exploration of both." --Lucinda Huffaker, Executive Secretary, Religious Education Association, Director of Supervised Ministries, Yale Divinity School "The fabric of faith that has been woven in the lives of Crain and Seymour is visible in the themes of these contributors--how belief transforms individuals and communities f