Lua Scripting Made Stupid Simple, Paperback/Jordan Kaufman
LUA SCRIPTING MADE STUPID SIMPLE Are you sick of How-To publishers calling you an "Idiot" or one of their "Dummies"? Well, we give you the respect you deserve but we make the SUBJECT Stupid Simple. In "LUA Scripting Made Stupid Simple" we get you scripting really quick in an easy and enjoyable manner. We cover the following subjects quickly in a way easy to absorb: Commenting in Lua Variables and Data Types Math functions Conditionals Strings Cases Looping For Loops Tables Functions Variadic Functions Closure Coroutines File I/O Modules Metatable Object-oriented programming Inheritance Plus free downloadable code at http: //sixfigureteen. com/luabook Follow us @Jordan_RKAbout the Author: Jordan Kaufman has almost two decades of experience in technology centered primarily around enterprise software, audio engineering, and alternative animation techniques. Kaufman also recently started an online community called http: //www. Six Figure Teen. com which promotes youth entrepreneurship, education and alternatives to college.