Cinderella - La Cenicienta: Bilingual Parallel Text - Textos Bilingües En Paralelo: English-Spanish / Inglés-Espańol, Paperback/Charles Perrault
Description Espa ol (for English scroll down) Edici n biling e en textos paralelos Ingl s-Espa ol. La Cenicienta por Charles Perrault. Ilustraciones por Ch. Pellerin pinal Traducci n de Charles Welsh (1901) y Teodoro Bar (1883). English Kindle bilingual edition (English - Spanish parallel texts) Spanish easy readers: If you are learning or improving your Spanish or English as second language, grab this bilingual edition containing a bilingual edition of this masterpiece. An easy to read paragraph by paragraph English-Spanish parallel text version. On Kindle Paperwhite and Kindle Fire or on newer devices and on Android tablet and smartphone, text is displayed in two columns, one for each language. On older devices, iPad/iPhone and on the "look inside" site preview, the text will be displayed by alternate paragraphs between the two languages. Rotate your device in landscape mode could enhance the visualization of some paragraphs. This ebook is based on the work of Charles Perrault "Cinderella, or the Little Glass Slipper." Illustrations by Ch. Pellerin pinal English translation has been made in 1901 by Charles Welsh, updated to current English by the editor. Spanish translation has been made in 1883 by Teodoro Bar . ? Grab the free preview ("send sample" button) and give it a try Other bilingual parallel text ebooks by the same editor http: //smarturl. it/bilingual Revised edition: March 2, 2016 Note: If you purchased this eBook before March 2, 2016 and you would like to receive the new revised edition for free, just send an email to Kentauron Publisher directly, using the email address you can find in the eBook.